
Check out Google's Zeitgeist 2012

Check out Google's Zeitgeist 2012, the year in searches

The internet is everywhere – at home, at work, in our pocket, most of the time under our fingertips. And Google is a big part of the online space.

The search giant has used all of its tremendous knowledge-base to outline the most searched-for things this year and has made a video highlighting what 2012 was all about.

Here’s the video itself. It’s amazing to see the events of the entire year, aggregated into 2 minutes and 46 seconds. All the highs and lows, the wars and crisis, deaths and achievements, it’s all there, have a look.

And over at the source link you can see all the popular searches by category. You can check out searches for each country or for the entire world. Whitney Houston tops the people searches, the Hunger Games is the most searched-for movie and SOPA was the most popular hash tag on Google Plus.


